He may be out of Microsoft but the former founder of the US software Company Billionaire Paul Allen has not stopped him sueing former arch rival Apple along with ten other Companies including the likes of Google, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube and eBay for allegedly infringing internet patents he owns via a start up that he invested in some years ago.
The suit has been brought by Interval Licensing, which is controlled by Mr Allen a regular visitor to Australia. They claim that several Companies companies including Apple are violating four patents relating to fundamental web technologies first developed at Interval Research in the 1990s.
The Company claims that it still owns owns the patents of Interval Reserach, a defunct computer science and communications research company founded by Mr Allen and David Liddle in 1992.
According to the complaint, Interval Research employed more than 110 of the world’s leading scientists, physicists, and engineers and was at the forefront in designing next-generation science and technology.
It also claims to have helped fund outside projects, including work done by Google founders Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page.
David Postman, a spokesman for Mr Allen, said: “This lawsuit is necessary to protect our investment in innovation.”
Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes told Reuters: “We believe this suit is completely without merit and we will fight it vigorously.”