Apple, who are set to launch a brand new touch screen, tablet type device in September that will be available with a 10″ screen, have been exploring the concept of delivering morning newspapers and books to the device in an easy to read format that eliminates the need to click through to separate pages on a web site.
We have been told that Apple is working on new touch screen software that allows newspapers and books to be easily ready with pages turned at the flick of a wrist using patented Apple touch screen software. The concept that has been pushed along by Steve Jobs during his recent leave from the company is a high priority at Apple say insiders.
Book and newspaper content will be delivered via Apple’s application store with Apple taking a percentage of all downloads. Apple believe that they can deliver new books from bestselling authors for as low as $5.99 with publishers selling millions of downloads without having to print one single book.
The software will also work on Apple notebooks, iPhones and iPods. Insiders at Apple claim that the biggest market for the device will be schools and educational organisations where Apple can deliver a vast amount of electronic content for delivery to their devices.
The new Apple reader which will compete head on with Amazon’s Kindle device, will also operate as a full blown Notebook. Also exploring the concept of a reader type device for newspapers is Sony, who in the past has struggled to attract consumers to their current reader and is now looking for the killer application that will drive sales.
Earlier this year both Sony and Apple held discussions with US newspaper groups including several who have already stopped production of morning newspapers and are now operating solely as online publishers.