Apple has launched a new iPod that tells you the song title, artist, and playlist you are currently listening to with a touch of a button.
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Apple’s Vice President of iPod and iPhone Product Marketing, Greg Joswiak said: “Imagine your music player talking to you, telling you your song titles, artists and playlist names. The amazingly small new iPod shuffle takes a revolutionary approach to how you listen to your music by talking to you, also making it the first iPod shuffle with playlists.”
The new VoiceOver feature will tell you the name of the song and artist, as well as status information such as battery life. The iPod shuffle can speak 14 languages including English, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
The third generation 4GB iPod shuffle is now shipping and comes in silver or black for a recommended retail price of $129 through the Apple Store ( and Apple’s retail stores.