Apple is fast growing their share of the business and home PC market with shipments of Apple PCs growing 34 per cent in the last quarter. In Australia the growth may even be higher say researchers.According to a new report from Gartner Research, Apple gained market share to reach 8 percent in the US, as the current leaders HP and Dell showed only modest increases in unit distribution and market share declines down to 25 percent and 23.4 percent, respectively.”Although the first quarter is not typically a strong quarter for the consumer market, growth in the consumer segment was strong,” said Gartner principal analyst Mikako Kitagawa. “We are expecting about 30 percent growth in the consumer PC market in the first quarter of 2010”
ASUS, Lenovo and Acer showed strength in the global market, with each company achieving shipment growth of at least 50 percent compared to the same quarter last year. The overall industry exceeded Gartner’s earlier estimate of 22 percent combined gains, as early numbers indicate sales were driven up by 27.4 percent.
“These first quarter results indicate that the professional PC market is gradually picking up, driven by PC replacements in mature markets,” Ms. Kitagawa said.