A new Apple touchscreen iPad, is extremely close to going into production according to sources. The device which will use the same touch technology as found in the iPhone and iPod Touch will be manufactured by Foxconn who were recently accused of bullying an employee over a missing iPhone. The person later committed suicide. The new iPad which will have a 10.6″ display and up to 9 hours of battery life will be launched in January 2010.
There is also speculation out of Korea that the device will have an LG manufactured OLED display screen.
The major advantages of the new iPad will be its e-book functionality, long battery life, quick Internet connectivity and an easy-to-use user interface. Foxconn will initially supply around 300,000 to 400,000 iPad’s in the first quarter of 2010.
It is also tipped that Dell , HP, Sony and Toshiba will launch touchscreen tablets in 2010 in an effort to compete with the Apple iPad which will come with a touchscreen keypad and side buttons that allow users to also play games with the device.