We take a look at the latest from legendary Tom Waits; Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers and Bastards.
It would be hard to imagine the critical stock of the world’s most famous wannabe carnie barker getting any higher.
Split into his three main song types – the ragged rockers (Brawlers), tear-stained ballads (Bawlers) and some of his quirkier excursions into noise and storytelling (Bastards), there’s nothing that will sound unusual to Waits fans on this three-disc set.
However, while some may maintain that he’s been pretty much remaking the same album since 1983’s Swordfishtrombones, when it’s done with this degree of skill, verve and panache, who really cares?
Audiophile sound quality has never concerned Waits, but while the murk can be frustrating, there is also fun to be hand – and he knows how to create an atmosphere.