Consumer Concerns Drive Filtration Increase


Costs of bottled water and consumer concerns about plastic waste are the reasons behind an 18 per cent increase in water filtration systems for the home in the past 10 years, according to filtration specialist Culligan Water.They also claim that a household of four that consumes an average of 150, 600ml bottles of water a year would save the 18 litres of oil and 600 litres of water used for manufacturing and transporting the bottles, over 2kg of plastic, and 8.4kg of carbon emissions that are produced during the manufacturing process.

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Culligan Water says its range of drinking water systems are certified and approved under both International and Australian Standards.
This range includes budget-priced systems starting at $375 (fully installed) that remove chlorine, bad tastes and odours, as well as harmful contaminants such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, to systems that remove dissolved metals and minerals such as mercury, arsenic and fluoride.

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