Crestron is taking the iPad seriously with the company set to reveal a new iPad dock at the 2010 CEDIA show in the USA this week.
Last week we revealed that Creston has come out with a new 6 button track pad remote control device in an effort to compete with the iPad. Earlier in the year the company launched a new suite of software to run on the iPad after recognising that their traditional touchscreen displays that sell up to 4 times the price of an iPad was set to come under pressure.
The new Crestron UFO-4X has a virtual keyboard for entering URLs, passwords, and content selection, it can also be transformed into a mouse, so users can navigate their way around both content and a home’s remote control services. Shaped like a flying saucer the device sits on a small stand for charging.
The device which sits on a wireless network can also be used to access Web pages, using the same taps and double-taps as a standard desktop track pad.
Users can also access PC on the network, as long as they’re running Crestron’s CEN-WIN touch panel HID Emulator software.
Multi touch functionality lets users flip through music libraries, scroll through TV channels and radio stations and select control apps.