Footprint Growing For Ember’s Coffee-Warming Smart Mugs


A “strong … coffee and tea culture” has led to drinkware company Ember expanding its footprint throughout its first full year in Australia.

Ember’s cups and mugs use “patented temperature-control technology” that maintains coffee or tea at 50C to 62.5C. 

“Featuring the latest in battery technology, Ember’s mugs offer up to 1.5 hours of enjoyment with the Ember Mug 2 (10 oz) and Ember Cup, or 80 minutes with the larger Ember Mug 2 (14 oz),” the company says.

Ember Mugs 2 Footprint Growing For Embers Coffee Warming Smart Mugs
Keep it warm.

“Placing it on the supplied charging coaster also ensures that the Ember Mug remains charged and delivers a hot beverage at the perfect temperature all day long.”

Don Turano, Chief Commercial Officer for Ember Technologies, said there had been a seven-fold increase in the number of JB Hi-Fi stores carrying the products, and that David Jones had “moved from online to in-store”.

The company is working with Costco, and has products in Telstra stores for “seasonal gifting”.

“It all combines to deliver a milestone year for Ember and, more importantly, give us a strong foundation upon which to grow further in 2025,” said Turano.


Ember Mugs 3 Footprint Growing For Embers Coffee Warming Smart Mugs
Ember Travel Mug and concomitant tech.

He said growth had continued into summer, and that in 2025 Ember would focus on building its retailer footprint, introducing new products and colourways, and expansion into New Zealand.

All Ember smart mugs, cups and travel mugs connect to the Ember mobile app, which means consumers can set the temperature, create presets and track caffeine intake. This, Ember claims, makes it “the most sophisticated smart mug on the market”.

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