EXCLUSIVE: Foxtel has dropped the words TV Guide in their Android application after being threatened by a US Entertainment Company, while Google has restored the IceTV application after initially removing it from their Android Marketplace Store.
The drama for both Companies blew up early last week when Lionsgate Entertainment laid claim to the words TV Guide.
In letters sent to Ice TV and Foxtel, Company lawyers for The TV Guide claimed that both Australia Companies were breaking US law by using the words TV Guide, despite the words being generic and despite the fact that newspapers and magazines were using the words TV Guide before both Companies were ever in business.
Shortly after getting a letter from TV Guide Google pulled down the Ice TV application but not the Foxtel TV Guide.
According to Foxtel the Company chose to “simply” drop the word TV and replace it with the words Foxtel Guide.
According to Colin OBrien the CEO of IceTV Google had a change of attitude after lawyers for IceTV wrote to the search Company questioning their motive in removing the IceTV application but not the Foxtel TV Guide application.
Shortly after getting the IceTV correspondence the IceTV app was restored to the Marketplace Store.
“We are pleased with the outcome” said Colin Obrien.
Apple who also hosts a Foxtel and IceTV, TV Guide application chose to give The TV Guide Company the two finger salute by not removing the IceTV, Foxtel and 42 other TV station applications which the Lionsgate Entertainment Company claimed was contravening their TV Guide trademark.