The sequel to the successful action game Gears of War is due to launch in November, exclusively on Xbox 360. The game’s developer claims Gears of War 2 is “bigger, better and more badass” than the original.
Footage of Microsoft’s new games line up for 2008 that includes Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden II and Too Human is now available exclusively on Xbox Live Marketplace, the company says.
The headlining act, Gears of War 2 claims to continue the saga of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad and delve deeper into humanity’s struggle for survival against he Locust Horde and promises strong high-definition visuals.
Lead designer of Epic Games, the developer of Gears of War, Cliff Bleszinkski said, “To our team the original game was just a tease, the appetizer to the ‘Gears of War’ characters and new style of gameplay. We were so amped to get to the next chapter, and dig deeper into the universe of this franchise,”
“‘Gears of War 2’ is an even bigger, better, and more badass experience than the first game, and we can’t wait to get it in the hands of eager gamers this November,” he added.
Meanwhile fans can expect new multiplayer features for Fable 2, as well as stand-alone Fable 2 pub games available for download on Xbox Live Arcade later this year. When Fable 2 launches, gamers will have the ability to transfer currency earned in the pub games directly to their character in Fable 2.
Tomonobu Itagaki also revealed new Ninja Gaiden II game-sharing features, including Ninja Cinema, which is enabled solely through Xbox Live.