Audio-Video legend and Monster CEO Noel Lee was so proud of the company’s DNA Pro headphones he personally tuned and voiced the final design. The result is a sonic and visual masterpiece that raises the headphone sonic bar several notches to the delight of music lovers around the world.

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Fitted with Monster’s unique Pure Monster Sound technology, you’ll swear the sound heard through the triangular shaped DNA Pro headphones is so powerful and clear you’ll think you’re on centre stage performing with the musicians.

Designed with street-savvy users in mind, the DNA Pro has a bundle of connectivity options. But the one creating all the buzz is Monster Music Share which uses dual-port inputs that link up to five headphones and allow others to groove with the music while you do.

And while you are on the move, Monster’s ControlTalk feature will give you an enhanced microphone and a three-button controller to make or take calls with unrivalled clarity.

Pillow-soft, noise isolating ear pads keep the sound in for hours of continuous music pleasure while keeping the sound from the kerbside out. With its distinctive triangular shape and vibrant colour scheme, the Monster DNA Pro stands out from the headphone crowd.


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