Android’s future share of the tablet market is looking grim with the latest figures indicating Apple’s iPad will continue its King-like reign in the years to come.
Gartner’s figures for tablet sales are nightmarish stuff for Android fans, predicting a bleak future for the Droid tablet platform until 2015.
This year’s figures predict 63.6 million tablets will be sold this year, up 261 per cent from the year before. Apple is expected to retain 73.4 per cent of the market, Google 17% and the remainder split between HP’s TouchPad and BlackBerry’s Playbook. As Gizmodo point out, the TouchPad figure will likely stagnate.
Come 2015 it’s expected 326 million tablet devices will be circulating, with 149 million being iPad and 116 million running Android’s OS. Windows Tablets will make a promising entrance with 34 million tabs out, eclipsing BlackBerry’s 26 million.
Although predictions aren’t set in concrete, current industry trends coupled with the loyalty of Apple Fanatics and Google’s market vantage point indicate there could be some truth in the figures.