The Minister for Home Affairs, Brendan O’Connor, announced that more than 55,000 submissions were received in response to the R18+ Classification for Computer Games Discussion Paper.
“The response on whether the National Classification Scheme should include an R 18+ classification for computer games indicates a high level of interest in this issue in the Australian community. It is good to see that this public consultation has generated so much interest,” Mr O’Connor said.
“The submissions received in this consultation process will assist the Commonwealth and other censorship ministers’ consideration about whether an adult classification for computer games should be introduced,” added O’Connor.
Despite the huge number of submissions however, there still has to be a unanimous agreement before the R18+ rating for video games pushes through.
“It is important to note that changes to the National Classification Code require unanimous agreement between the Commonwealth, States and Territories,” concluded O’ Connor.
The Attorney-General’s Department will now prepare a report on the consultation for the Standing Committee of Attorneys General.
Information about those submissions that did not request confidentiality will be made public in due course.