The new Powastation from Hafele is a clutter-free concept that works by using a docking station base which plugs into a normal power outlet. This base can power up a cordless kettle, but it also has two moveable arms which can host other appliances such as a blender or toaster.
The three appliances all share power as well – meaning no circuit overloading. And once you’re finished with the toaster and blender, simply take them off the arms and fold the arms back into the hidden recess of the dock. Your appliances can then be stored away in a cupboard – keeping your bench top neat and clear of unnecessary cords and appliances. Quite a nice little idea – especially for tiny apartment kitchens with limited bench-top space.
The Powastation is complemented by a range of stylish stainless steel appliances – as only those by Hafele will work with the base docking
Hafele’s Gary Cahoon says the appliances are nice and portable making them suitable for camping or caravanning as well. He also said they have also been designed with an emphasis on ease of use – for example, the smoothie blender crushes ice, dispenses drinks from the tap and comes apart fully for easy cleaning.
If you’re looking to remove wall plugs from your life altogether – Hafele has a new solution for that too – the K Station. This is a semi-concealed built-in module below the counter top. It comes in an arm-only version, as well as a normal socket plus arm version, meaning you can plug in other appliances as well as Hafele Powastation ones.
K Station |