We all know that Windows Vista is painfully slow and full of glitches and shortly, Microsoft says it intends to fix the problem by rolling out the first of several major service packs. Currently with Beta testers, the service pack is being downloaded by hackers. We show you how to access this service pack.
There are two options for you to install Vista SP1, one is the legal way and the other illegal way. The illegal way involves downloading the service pack from torrents, which I am not going to tell you about here. Rather let’s focus on the way Microsoft wants its beta testers to download the Service Pack .
The trick is pretty much straightforward, so grab yourself a coffee as you do this. This won’t take much time.
What you can do is legally install SP1 and apply the Windows update hack by downloading it via Windows Update. Here’s how you do it:
Now run Windows Update and Check for updates. It should show you the KB935509 hotfix. Download it and restart your computer. Run Windows Update for the second time and Check for updates. This time around you should find another update called KB937287. After downloading the second update, restart and run Windows Update for the third time. This time you’ll download KB938371 hotfix.
Restart your computer and run Windows Update for the last time. Windows Update may not show SP1 in the first try, so keep trying until your get it. After you complete all the above steps, you should see this dialogue:
SP1 adds an annoying watermark saying “Evaluation copy, Build 6001” to the bottom right of your desktop. You can remove this watermark easily. Refer this page for more details.
Download this file (SP1Beta_Hack.cmd – Right Click and Save as to Download) and run it with the Administrator Privileges. You should see a successful message displayed on screen in Command Prompt.
Once you are done, run Windows Update and Check for updates. It should show you the KB935509 hotfix. Download it and restart your computer.
Again Fire up Windows Update and Check for updates. This time around you should find another update called KB937287 waiting for you to download it. Once done downloading it, restart and run Windows Update again and you should find KB938371 waiting. Download it and believe me this is the last step to glory!
Now restart the computer and fire up Windows Update for the last time. Check for updates. Windows update may not present you with SP1 at the first instance so try a few times and you will find it.
Download the Service Pack and you will now be running a legal copy of Windows Vista SP1.
Once you are done with the installation of Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista you will a see a tiny but irritating Watermark at the bottom right corner of your Dekstop saying ‘Evaluation copy, Build 6001’. If you want to get rid of the watermark follow the instructions below :
Install watermark_fix.reg file
Take ownership of user32.dll.mui file in C:WindowsSystem32en-US
Rename file to user32.dll.mui.bak
copy downloaded user32.dll.mui to folder
Voila! The Watermark is now gone.