Its a first: HP ePrinters can now directly print from Google Cloud…without the need for a PC.

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The web- and cloud-aware printers are the first to support Google Cloud Print straight out of the box, the makers said today. 

And it also eliminates the need for a print driver or PC connection and makes it easier for users to print when anad where they want, Palo Alto based Hewlett Packard said today.

The ePrint devices will print securely from any web, mobile, or desktop app that supports Google Cloud including Gmail for Mobile, Google Docs for Mobile and Chrome OS.
It also plans to include other third-party apps. 

To make the service operational, users just need to add the email address of their Photosmart, Officejet or LaserJet Pro printer to their Google account.

“Users are rapidly migrating to web and mobile apps, and Google Cloud Print brings full-featured printing capabilities to these apps,” said Mike Jazayeri, Product Management Director, Google.


“We are excited that HP has brought the first generation of cloud-ready printers to market.  While cloud printing is possible with any printer that is connected to a PC, users can achieve a more streamlined, intuitive experience by printing directly to a cloud-ready printer.”   

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