After 37 years Intel has dropped its famous Intel Inside Logo.
The semiconductor Company will discard its dropped e'' logo that Intel has used since its founding in 1968. The company also will retire the
Intel Inside” advertising logo it has used since 1991. Both made Intel the fifth-most valued brand in the world, according to Interbrand.
The new identity borrows a little from the Intel Inside campaign, with a circle swirled around the word Intel. It adds a catch phrase, Leap ahead,'' akin to Nike's
Just do it” and Apple’s Think Different'' tag lines.<BR>Intel Chief Executive Paul Otellini initiated the search for a new brand when he hired Eric Kim as chief marketing officer a year ago. Kim helped Samsung build its brand into a worldwide powerhouse.<BR>
Intel has one of the most valuable brands in the world, and we intend to grow the value of our brand as we evolve the company,” Kim said in a statement.
The company also will unveil a series of other logos to create brands around platforms'' of technologies as well as individual chips. For example, the
Viiv” logo will be associated with its living room desktop computer brand that will make its debut early next year.This was a cultural change where Paul said nothing is sacred,'' Intel spokesman Bill Calder said.<BR>The new campaign starts with a major TV and print advertising campaign that begins next week in advance of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which Otellini will address Thursday. Calder would not say how much money Intel will spend, but he acknowledged the figure is likely to run into the hundreds of millions.<BR>According to Kim's research, Intel's name and brand were associated with microprocessors, even though the company's technologies stretch into personal computers, communications, cell phones, handhelds and set-top boxes. What's more, the collection of Intel logos for specific products had become a mess -- the company has 18 logos for its products.<BR>Kim made a case that Intel could benefit by updating the brand even if it meant changing the logo created by Intel founders Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore more than 37 years ago.<BR>Calder said Intel will continue its
Intel Inside” marketing subsidy programs, in which it gives PC makers money to advertise their computers with Intel chips. Intel will still dole out those funds, even though it is dropping the Intel Inside name.
Coincidentally, Intel rival Advanced Micro Devices also will introduce a new brand next week at the Consumer Electronics Show. The new brand will emphasize the PC’s growing usefulness in the living room as a digital entertainment hub and will square off against Intel’s Viiv'' group.<BR>AMD plans to create alliances with companies that make living room products, such as set-top boxes, said Hal Speed, a marketing architect at AMD in Sunnyvale.<BR>
We’re focusing on the seamless connectivity of consumer entertainment devices,” Speed said.