LG Electronics has officially added voice control support for Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa to its stable of 2018 TVs, with existing owners set to receive a software update from today.
For new owners, 2018 LG TVs (including its ThinQ OLED & Super UHD TVs) will have the update automatically installed.
The range falls under LG’s ThinQ line, which boasts artificial intelligence capabilities, and integrates full Google Assistant functionality within the TV.
Whilst Alexa is not built-in, consumers can control their LG TV via connection to a compatible Amazon device e.g. Echo smart speakers. Functionality is currently significantly limited versus the integrated Google Assistant.
The news follows LG’s unveiling at CES 2018, with Aussies now receiving the update after its US debut early this year.
Working with LG’s webOS interface, users can ask Google Assistant to control their TV (e.g. turn up/down volume, change channels), access various apps (e.g. YouTube) and navigate the internet (e.g. peruse recipes, check travel information, browse eBay) using their voice.
Users are simply required to press the mic button on their LG TV remote control, before voicing various commands (e.g. ‘What’s the time in New York?’).
Contrasting other Google Assistant hardware, users are not required to say ‘Hey Google…’ prior to commands.
With full Google Assistant functionality, users can control other compatible smart home products via their TV (e.g. ‘Turn off the lights in the living room’).
The TVs link to Google’s full arsenal of connected apps (e.g. Google Calendar, Google Photos etc) enabling users to set meetings and reminders on their phone, directly from the TV.
Automatic connection to Google Photos allows owners to display smartphone images directly onto their TV using their voice (e.g. ‘Show me my summer holiday photos’).
Further information is available on LG’s Newsroom here.
Watch the feature in action below: