Only 24 hours after FetchTV said that they are partnering with Australian ISPs to deliver movie and TV content, Seagate and Paramount have teamed up to offer pre-loaded movies on portable hard-drives in a move that demonstrates just how competitive the content market is set to become.
Consumers who buy the pre-loaded drives, which are expected to go on sale in Australia in the second half of 2010, will be able to unlock the movie for around $9.95.
Already on sale in the UK, Seagate said, “We have teamed up to create what we think is a unique offering that will help jumpstart the creation of digital home movie collections,” said Malik Ducard, Senior Vice President of Paramount Digital Entertainment, who is in charge of digital distribution in the Americas.
“This is a big step for Seagate, we believe we are addressing a real customer need to get movies and view them wherever they want,” added Darcy Clarkson, Seagate’s vice president of sales and marketing.
In the past Paramount has offered a USB stick with the Star Trek movie on.