After dabbling in MP3 players with models like the K5, Samsung has now created a new concept in the area with the S5 – a Bluetooth-capable music player with built-in slide-out speakers for sharing tunes with friends.
The new model from Samsung includes a slide-out speaker with two 1.5-watt stereo speakers and a digital amplifier to pump-out music like a boom box. According to Samsung, consumers now desire more from their MP3 players.
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“The new S5 is feature packed and a truly unique audio and video player. Equipped with a slide out stereo speaker for true music and video sharing, this slide out speaker can also be ‘synced’ with your mobile phone to act as a speaker for impromptu phone conferences,” said Samsung Electronics Australia product manager, Lisa Findlay.
“The S5 also offers Bluetooth capability for the ultimate wire-free listening experience.”
The S5 can also play videos on its 1.8-inch LCD screen, and includes an FM radio, FM record, voice recorder function, text viewer and photo slide show.
“Samsung has led the innovation in MP3 players, starting with the introduction of slide out speakers with last years run away hit K5 model. Now with the introduction of video and unique Bluetooth capability across the MP3 range, Samsung has again set the standard,” said Findlay.
RRP: $229 (2GB), $269 (4GB), $319 (8GB)