The music industry who have been accused of overstating their losses in various antipiracy court cases, is now trying to extract $700 Billion dollars from file sharing operation LimeWire.
The music industry who have been accused of overstating their losses in various antipiracy court cases, is now trying to extract $700 Billion dollars from file sharing operation LimeWire.
The claim was so over the top that even US Judge, Kimba Wood described it as “absurd”.
The 13 record companies claim’s that the LimeWire, company owes them between $400 billion and $75 trillion, which is money the Company obviously has not got said counsel defending the Company.
According to several organisations following the case the music industry was laughed out of town when they made their claim.
The judge said “As defendants note, plaintiffs are suggesting an award that is ‘more money than the entire music recording industry has made since Edison’s invention of the phonograph in 1877’,” she wrote.
The outlandish figure was reached because the record companies want compensation for each time a song was shared and re-shared by LimeWire users; Judge Wood has now concluded that LimeWire can only be fined a single statutory fee per work infringed.