NBN Co is looking to the potential of G.fast technology in its multi-technology mix rollout, today pointing to new research showing G.fast is poised for growth around the world in the coming years.A new Ovum report, jointly commissioned by NBN Co and BT, has forecast that by 2021 G.fast, the “new ultra-fast copper technology”, will be serving nearly 30 million subscriber homes and businesses globally.
NBN Co, which towards the end of last year held its first G.fast trial, notes that the first commercial G.fast services are due to launch next year.
NBN Co last month advised that it will be rolling out fibre-to-the-distribution point (FTTdp) technology, also known as fibre-to-the-curb, to up to potentially 700,000 premises across the country, which it states gives “an ideal platform for potentially deploying both future G.fast and XG.FAST services”.
XG.FAST, the deployment of which could still be some time away, has also been on NBN Co’s radar, with lab trials having been held in recent weeks.
Among world regions, the report notes that within five years about 11 per cent of broadband services in Western Europe may be delivered via G.fast.
“This report shows the potential that G.fast has for delivering ultra-fast broadband services in the global market,” Dennis Steiger, NBN Co chief technology officer, commented.
“It is very challenging to deliver fibre into every home. Having the option to use G.fast in a fibre-to-the-building or fibre-to-the-curb setting is a great option for any operator.
“With G.fast able to deliver fibre-like speeds at a lower cost and time to deploy, it’s little surprise the technology is attracting strong global interest.”