In a move designed to provide a level playing field for telco service providers, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is seeking feedback on the information the NBN Co should disclose on the rollout of its network.With Telstra to work closely with NBN Co in the planning, design and construction of the network under the NBN Co’s new “multi-technology mix”, the move is designed to ensure Telstra “does not have any actual or perceived information advantage”.
As part of developing a new carrier licence condition for NBN Co, the Department of Communications has asked that the ACCC consult with industry.
“The department has stated that the overarching object of the licence condition is to ensure symmetry between Telstra and all other retail service providers in respect of relevant NBN-rollout and related information,” the ACCC stated by way of background.
“This will ensure that Telstra does not have any actual or perceived information advantage by virtue of its role as the owner of the copper and hybrid-fibre coaxial (HFC) networks being acquired by NBN Co.”
ACCC commissioner Cristina Cifuentes stated the “move is designed to increase transparency around the network rollout”.
It will “ensure all telco service providers are equally informed of important developments”, Cifuentes said.
“The government has proposed requiring NBN Co to make information available to all so that service providers are on an equal footing,” she stated.
“This should help prevent Telstra getting any special advantage as a result of its involvement with the rollout.”
The ACCC has released a discussion paper asking interested parties about what information NBN Co should disclose and the manner it which it should be disclosed, which can be found here.