Queensland has benefited from the NBN rollout in Townsville yesterday, bringing together 3,000 homes and businesses through the high speed virtual world of the internet. The technology is being used in a new medical trial now underway.
Committee Chairman Dr Bill Glasson says the technology is being trialled by specialists in Brisbane to interact with patients in Queensland’s North and Western regions.”
As we speak, it is becoming a reality,” Glasson told the ABC.
“With that [computer] screen, we’re involved with a study now where we’re linking with doctors in Ingham and further north Queensland and western-north Queensland where these patients will be managed online, literally.”
The technology will help remote GPs by alleviating continued pressure on the medical system in North Queensland.
“You have consultation online with your GP, who in turn decides how he or she needs to change your medication or your control and then arranges for [the] ‘e-pharmacy’, where that medication is ordered and delivered to you at home or at your workplace,” he said.