Hello NSW: NBN Co reveals 15 Councils set to build high towers to facilitate high speed broadband.
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If NBN Co have their way, that is.
The councils, located in rural areas of Central West and Western NSW, will have applications lodged to set up tower infrastructure to deliver high-speed fixed wireless broadband to locals.
The 15 Councils are as follows: Bathurst Regional Council, Blayney Shire, Cabonne, Coonamble Shire, Cowra, Dubbo City, Gilgandra Shire Lithgow City Council, Mid-Western Regional.
Orange City, Parkes Shire, Oberon Council, Warrumbungle Shire, Wellington and Young Shire are also on NBN’s “to do” planning list.
NBN Co and its design and construction partners will work with local governments “to identify appropriate locations for fixed wireless network infrastructure,” it said today.
However, the tower plans are subject to final radio frequency planning and other approvals.
This news of NSW planning applications comes as several council in neighbouring Victoria rejected NBN Co towers recently citing visibility issues, although NBN Co have insisted they will reapply.
The NBN fixed wireless network is set to cover up to 25,000 premises across the 15 councils and be switched on in stages from mid to late 2013
NBN Co’s Community Relations Advisor Tony Gibbs said the announcement is “tremendous” for these regions, many of which have little or no access to high-speed broadband.
“Telehealth consultations, video conferencing, interactive lessons and live collaboration with teachers and students here and abroad can become a reality,” Gibbs added.
NBN Co’s fixed wireless network will offer internet speeds of up to 12Mbps, with plans for higher speeds to become available in the future.
Unlike a mobile wireless service where speeds can be affected by the number of people moving into and out of the area, NBN fixed wireless network is engineered to deliver to a fixed number of premises within the coverage area.