Channel Nine who has exclusive rights to the Oscars, could lose a large chunk of their Australian audience to the Internet, as consumer switch to a new $4.95 Live event service complete with 360 degree camera, which can be viewed on a PC, iPad or iPhone.The network, which is already struggling in their ratings battle with the Seven Network and Packed To The Rafters, which is pulling nearly two million viewers a week, face the real potential, that the Oscar event will be stale news by the time they put their main coverage to air at 8.30 tonight.
Analysts say that the network could have new problems holding onto their Oscars audience when they start their exclusive Australian live TV coverage of the Oscars at noon today.
For US$4.99 Oscar fans can subscribe to the Oscar All-Access Web set-up, giving them access to multiple live camera feeds, including a “360-degree cam” – on the red carpet and in the Kodak theatre during the show, and on to the Governor’s Ball.
IPad and iPhone users can also ante up 99 cents for the Oscar Backstage app which promises to give them much the same access, except for the “360 cam”.
Separately and Associated Press are providing live streaming coverage of the red carpet arrivals – but nothing from inside the theatre.