It’s one of the biggest adjustments in any adult’s tech life – the fated changeover from keyboard to touch screen, pioneered by generation iPhone.It can get texters into a lot of trouble so it seems. has provided a litany of hilarious textual gaffes made by iPhone users struggling to come to grips with the autocorrect function on its SMS.
One conversation went like this “hey, we may have one more over for dinner, if that’s ok.” iPhone user:”should I masturbate some chicken for tonight?”
The offending word was auto replaced instead of the wordoriginally intended, ‘marinate.’
“I told him about roxy and dunno if he wants to come over anymore,” was the recipients swift reply.
Another one went like this. iPhone user: ” Grandpa brought me a corndog from the devil.” Reply: ‘From the Devil?” iUser: “Wow, deli hahaha.”
“These are so funny as it happens to me all the time with stupid iPhone,” said one newly appointed iPhone user who says she still struggles to get used to the devices’ over eager auto correctness, which often results in words being altered, unknown to the user.
The gaffs are now so frequent, there is even a dedicated book coming out soon with 300 of the best autocorrect blunders.
It’s very much a case when correct is not correct.