Pre-sale for the fun sized Android game console, Ouya, may have closed on Kickstarter’s site, but interested gamers can still place an order.The Ouya project made shockwaves by pitching an affordable Android-based console that exists in a decentralised gaming market. The console represents an open gaming community, innovation and affordability, and that’s just one of the reasons why it broke so many KickStarter records.
It is the fastest product to reach the million dollar mark, in 8 hours and 22 minutes, and for reaching $2,589,687.77 within 24 hours. It almost tripled its $950,000 goal within the first day thanks to the pledges of 28,500 interested gamers and developers. After 30 days 63,000 backers contributed more than $8.5 million to the project, proving there is demand for such a product.
If you’re after your own Ouya console, you can pre-order one from the company’s website.
The console’s basic price is $99, but you’ll have to add $10 for shipping to the US and $20 for shipping to anywhere else. The $99 package comes with one controller, but two can be picked up for $139 and four for $199.
Techradar reports the console will be arriving on doors by April of 2013, irrespective of which configuration you nominate.
Read: No-Name Console Challenging PS3 & Xbox Closed Gaming Model
A list of the to-be-released games for the Ouya console follows, but bear in mind it’ll continue to grow.
AR-K: A Dark Acid Adventure Comedy
Armored Tank Assault 2
Aura Tactics
Castle Conflict 2
Echoes of Eternea
Final Fantasy III
Gish (and more!)
Heroes Call and Ski Safari
Ittle Dew
Kaiju Combat
Legends of Aethereus
MANOS: The Hands of Fate
Mutant Mudds
Orbital Blaster
Quest for Infamy
Reincarnation: The Root of All Evil
Rival Threads
Rush Bros
Saturday Morning RPG
Super Retro Squad
Volgarr the Viking