An uncensored version of Playboy will be coming to an iPad near you soon according to Hugh Hefner the founder of the Playboy empire.Posting on his Twitter feed, Hefner said that readers will have access to all back issues as well as current ones. He also claims that the iPad edition will be uncensored, in spite of App Store policies typically restricting nudity and other “adult” content.
Electronista said that the magazine could theoretically find safe haven, however, in an iTunes subscription service Apple is believed to be developing. Under the reported scheme, newspapers and magazines might be automatically downloaded in the background, bypassing the need to buy issues individually and at extra cost within apps.
The service was at one point expected to be announced as soon as today, but was allegedly delayed by several weeks just a week prior. Apple’s slow progress is believed to have postponed the launch of the The Daily, an iPad-based News Corporation publication.
Censorship is a frequent complaint about content at the App Store. Aside from imposing restrictions on nudity and sexuality, Apple policies have sometimes resulted in the removal of apps on political grounds, typically for allegedly ridiculing public figures.