Will Apple’s next iPhone be powered by a Quad-core processor, or a lesser dual-core arrangement?When Apple released its new iPad, people expected them to lead the market with a quad core processor. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case, but word on the web is Apple won’t be making the same mistake twice, throwing four cores into its next gen iPhone.
The only real question is: who will make it? Apple has been trying to rely less on its rivals as they have a stake in the iPhone’s success, ultimately feeding them with a cut of the profits. Currently Samsung makes the A5 dual core processor in the iPhone 4S, but courtrooms all over the world are familiar with the complex relationship shared between the two.
If you’re to believe GSMArena, that hasn’t stopped Apple running back to the Korean company, enlisting Samsung to develop a Quad-core A6 processor based on their home-grown Exynos 4 series chip.
Samsung’s Galaxy S3 currently uses the Exynos 4 Quad processor; in fact, it’s one of its hot selling points. The fact they’re building a processor based on their very own is a case of Samsung shooting its mobile division in the foot. (Okay we exaggerate, more like the toe.) Either way, Samsung and Apple have already proven they can achieve great things when they work together.
Read Samsung Galaxy S3 Gets Powerful Exynos 4 Quad Processor
Apple’s next generation iPhone is expected to be released in the second half of the year, just ahead of the popular Christmas period.