Samsung has used its Galaxy Note 10 unveiling to launch its new ‘mobile computing device’, the ‘Galaxy Book S’ – merging the “connectivity of a smartphone” with the “productivity of a PC.”
Weighing a super-lightweight 960 grams, the device offers an alternative to bulky laptops, enhancing portability.
The Galaxy Book S will launch in the US next month, with Samsung Australia offering pricing and availability announcements closer to local launch.
The product seeks to leverage Samsung’s mobile communications expertise with a workforce platform from Microsoft and Qualcomm.
The Galaxy Book S is an “always-on, always-connected and always-capable” device, with ultra-fast gigabit LTE offering “virtually constant” connection to the cloud, without relying on Wi-Fi.
Unlike traditional laptops, Samsung boasts “booting up is a thing of the past” for the new Galaxy Book S.
Reflecting Samsung’s renewed relationship with Microsoft, the Galaxy Book S features Microsoft OneDrive cloud storage, for backed up data across all devices.
The product also incorporates AKG stereo speakers alongside Dolby Atmos.
Specifications below, with further information on Samsung’s website here.