Chronic GPS problems with the new Samsung Galaxy S will be fixed in new models which are set to be launched on the Telstra Next G Network in September say sources.
According to some owners who purchased a Galaxy S from Optus the phones take a very long time to get the initial position and often has difficulty getting a truly accurate GPS signal. SmartHouse noticed this recently when testing three phones during a trip to Thredbo when we attempted to run an Android Skiing application that tracks position. the Galaxy S gave a different reading than the new HTC Desire and Wildfire which we got access to on Friday.
Optus claim that the problem is either a Samsung or Google problem. Samsung say the problem is being fixed by Google who code the Android software used in the Galaxy S.
At the weekend, product analyst Carla Saavedra promised an upcoming fix for chronic problems with GPS on Galaxy S phones will be released soon.
An update to “optimise” the positioning is due in September and should significantly speed up the lock-in time and accuracy. The patch should apply to all international versions of the Android device say Samsung sources.