Samsung Hints At Foldable Smartphone Launch In November


Samsung is planning to launch the world’s first foldable smartphone, according to industry reports.

Chief executive of Samsaung’s Mobile Division DJ Koh hinted at IFA 2018 in Berlin that the device could be unveiled at the company’s developer conference in November, but there is no indication of when the product may become available to consumers.

Koh said the handset, which may be launched as the latest iteration of the Galaxy Note line, had been “complicated to develop”.

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The company has been experimenting with bendable OLED displays and foldable phone prototypes for years, first unveiling its folding phone concept at CES in Las Vegas in 2011.

Samsung has also used flexible screens, which wrap around the edges of its phones, for years, but has nevewr actually released a phone with a screen that folds or that users can bend themselves.


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