Samsung has set aside $180,000 for Australia from its global Hope Foundation, to be distributed among Variety, the children’s charity, three major programs.To divide the funds between the three programs, Samsung have requested people vote for their favourite program by visiting the Samsung Hope web site and “pledging” Samsungs funds to the program they’d most like to see receive the money.
Variety, the children’s charity, is a not for profit organisation committed to nurture and enrich the lives of special needs or disadvantaged children, from newborn through age eighteen, and their families, schools, medical facilities and associated support organisations, via mutually rewarding, transparent, sustainable partnerships with corporate and private supporters as well as high profile events, under three umbrella programs:
The Variety Freedom Program: provides for mobility, communication devices and independence such as wheelchairs, Liberty swings and Sunshine coaches
The Variety Caring for Kids Program: supports health services including children’s hospitals, intensive care units, intensive care pediatric ambulances and specialised medical services
The Variety Future Kids Program: helps special needs or disadvantaged children through educational scholarships and other ways.
Distilled down to its core, through these three programs Variety provides children and their family’s means for survival, health, independence, mobility, education, life experiences, the ability to achieve a child’s personal best and most importantly, happiness and smiles.