Samsung Electronics is pinning its hopes on the new Galaxy S8 smartphone, due to be launched today, to deliver more than sales target platitudes. It must restore consumer trust and stabilise a brand dogged by political scandal, product recalls and privacy concerns.
The Galaxy S8’s expected launch will determine whether last year’s mishap with the Galaxy Note 7 on-board, has eroded loyalty and confidence among Samsung’s fan base.
The new model also arrives in a year when Apple is due to release its 10-year-anniversary iPhone, which analysts expect to be a hit.
However, the South Korean tech giant has outpaced Apple and other rivals in areas like embracing large and curved screens, while pushing virtual-reality features. For the Galaxy S8, Samsung has said it would aggressively push a virtual assistant, akin to Apple’s Siri, called Bixby.
Samsung has also detailed its plans for the millions of Galaxy Note 7 smartphones which it pulled off shelves when some caught fire last year.
The plans include recycling materials and potentially letting customers use some phones as refurbished devices.
The problem is estimated to have cost Samsung more than US$6 billion (A$7.8 billion).