Samsung made a recent offer to buy BlackBerry for as much as US$7.5 billion, having a specific interest in BlackBerry’s patent portfolio, according to a person familiar with the matter and documents seen by Reuters, Reuters has reported.The source stated representatives from the two companies met last week to discuss the potential transaction, Reuters reported, with Samsung proposing an initial price range of US$13.35 to US$15.49 per share, representing a premium of 38-60 per cent over BlackBerry’s trading price at the time of the report.
BlackBerry, however, has denied the report, issuing a media statement in response, stating it “is aware of certain press reports published today with respect to a possible offer by Samsung to purchase BlackBerry”.
“BlackBerry has not engaged in discussions with Samsung with respect to any possible offer to purchase BlackBerry,” BlackBerry stated. “BlackBerry’s policy is not to comment on rumours or speculation, and accordingly it does not intend to comment further.”
Samsung has also denied the report, with a company spokeswoman telling Reuters that reports of the acquisition are “groundless”.
Meanwhile, Canada’s The Globe and Mail has reported BlackBerry has turned down a handful of potential buyers in recent months in favour of a turnaround strategy launched by chief executive John Chen.
“This is not a company for sale,” The Globe and Mail reported one person familiar with the firm as stating.