Sanyo has announced the launch of its HD1000, a high definition recording (1920x1080i) digital movie camera that, the company claims, combines functionality with an ergonomic revolver-style design.
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Sanyo’s Xacti HD1000 |
In addition, the HD1000 can simultaneously capture still images and video by simply pressing the shutter button while recording videos. An “Automatic Face Chaser Function” is also present, giving the camera the capability to focus and capture up to 12 faces. This movie camera will be using MPEG-4 and AVC/H.264 compression and claims to record up to 43 minutes of HD recording on a 4GB SDHC card.
Pricing and Availability
The Sanyo HD1000 will be available from Camera House stores this month and will have an RRP of $1,299.