CSR Bradford has introduced a new high performance range of insulation batts which the company says will help save on heating and cooling costs as well as decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
The new R5 and R6 Gold High Performance batts provide insulation well above the minimum standards, the company says.
CSR Bradford Insulation’s Ashley Whitter says: “Bradford’s new R5 and R6 Gold High Performance is really giving homeowner the choice to insulate their homes to the maximum possible level. We are proud to be the only Australian manufacturer of the R6 batt and are sure the new range will deliver maximum benefits to the homeowner.”
According to the company, 2.7 million homes or around 40 percent of Australia’s housing market is un-insulated, and if they were, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 0.89 tonnes per home. It would also save an average of $223 per year on energy bills too, CSR says.
The new batts also claim to save up to 12 times more energy each year, than is used in manufacturing the products in the first place. They are also guaranteed for the life of the home and accredited with a 4 zero fire rating, and the National Asthma Council’s ‘Sensitive Choice’ program.
As part of the launch of the new range, the company is offering a promotion with a chance to win 10 years worth of electricity bills paid.
See: www.bradfordinsulation.com.au