Breville has released a vacuum sealer, designed for foodstuffs that need preserving or for leftovers that can be consumed another day.
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You can vacuum seal practically anything including meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruit, coffee beans and even leftovers. Vacuum sealing can be used in tandem with other forms of preservation including freezing and drying.
The Breville Vac2Pac allows food to last for up to five times longer and gives you the option to buy in bulk – a desirable option in today’s challenging economic climate. It also allows you to save leftovers to give your favourite culinary creations a welcome low fuss encore.
Food preservation relies on taking away the essential elements that cause food to deteriorate, such as oxygen that microbes need in order to break down food. The Breville vacuum sealing system takes away the oxygen by sucking the air out of the bag and sealing it with a heated strip that melts the sides of the bag together. It has a removable liquid catch tray for easy cleaning and comes with a 12 month replacement guarantee.
Breville also produces Vac2Pac Resealable Bags in large and small sizes. You can reuse each bag up to 20 times and they are fridge, freezer, microwave and simmer safe. Ready to use with no pre-cutting or pre-sealing needed, the bags are non porous and airtight to help prevent fridge odours. These easy open and close zipper bags are heavy duty multi layered to prevent leakage.