Sick Of 3D? EcoGeek Founder Sells 2D Glasses


In a twist on a April Fool’s joke, prominent geeky video blogger Hank Green went out and made his own 3D-to-2D glasses.Hank Green, founder of enviro-tech blog EcoGeek, has set up a website to sell glasses that transform cinema 3D to 2D after his wife complained of headaches from cinema 3D.

In the 3D you see in cinemas, different images are picked up by your left and right eyes behind RealD 3D glasses, with each frame blocking out the opposite image to create the 3D image.

What these glasses are effectively doing is putting the same frame over each eye so only one ‘side’ of the 3D image is shown, creating a 2D movie experience.

While wearing no glasses in a 3D movie currently leaves viewers with a big blurry image, these glasses give the 2D experience without the blur. What glasses like this don’t solve is the colour loss experienced from wearing glasses.

Reviewers at previously showed readers how to similarly turn RealD 3D glasses into 2D glasses by putting either two left or two right eye frames into a single pair of glasses.

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