Skype Me: Vodafone Unveil Android App $3 Monthly


Waiting for the Skype Android app? Well your wait is over, with this new app. Vodafone’s announces Skype package for $3 a month for Android and Symbian holders.

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The new deal, available from today,  will give “unlimited Skype to Skype calls to family and friends” for all Android’s, Nokia Symbian and Java enabled device holders on Vodafone and 3 post paid network.

The supported handsets include the Nokia E71, E72 and 6710 slide as well as HTC Desire, Samsung Galaxy S  and Nexus S.

Skype’s iPhone app has been available since 2009.

The apps ‘Skype On Vodafone App’ or else the ‘3 Skype App’ comes exclusive  for Vodafone and 3 customers, it said today, and charged at a flat $3 monthly rate with no additional data charges.
To download the new deal to Vodafone Central and download the ‘Skype on Vodafone app’ and for 3 customers head to Planet 3 and get the ‘3 Skype app. ‘

Unlimited Skype to Skype calling is included in the price of any of its classic, super or ultimate mobile internet packs, which cost $8 a month.

Check out  for more details.

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