Phone your Facebook friends on your iPhone without even knowing their number. SocialDial is an app for iOS and Android that lets you call and text Facebook and LinkedIn friends from your mobile.
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The no-numbers phone call builds a new address book that includes all social networking friends and contacts, similar to the way Skype’s mobile app captures phone book contacts.
Users can call or text any of them simply by touching on their name.
Know someone on your Facebook that you dont want to call you? Easy, SocialDial can block anyone from calling or texting your account.
You can also make group calls, set up an invitation-only conference call among people on your social network as well contacts on your regular phone list.
And best of all, the phone app is free.
And unlike VoIP systems that can produce poor quality calls on mobile phones (that’s you Skype), the app uses your carrier’s local connection to provide the highest quality call possible.
Just yesterday, SmartHouse reported how Australia was running out of ’04’ mobile numbers as demand rockets.
And rather than fixed area access codes the future – by 2020 – will be dominated by ‘service’ numbers and IP addresses, say the Australia Media And Communications Authority.
“For the last 130 years, the only way you could call someone was to have their phone number, it was their unique identity, their only identity as far as the telephone company was concerned,” said Randy Adams, CEO of Bababoo, the creators of SocialDial.
“But today we have lots of unique identities, our Facebook name, our LinkedIn name and our email address, just to name a few.
“There’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to call someone based on those identities, and that’s exactly what SocialDial lets you do.”
SocialDial is available free of charge on the company’s web site