Sony’s new Google TV has been sprung on display at a retail store event weeks out from the official launch. The 46″ Bravia TV was spotted by US web site HD Guru in a Best Buy store. The device has Google Chrome built in as well as a search capability that brings up programming content.
Sony’s new Google TV has been sprung on display at a retail store event weeks out from the official launched. The 46″ Bravia TV was spotted by US web site HD Guru in a Best Buy store. The device has Google Chrome built in as well as a search capability that brings up programming content.
Missing is built in Wi Fi with users forced to use a dongle to access Wi Fi broadband. The Bravia NSX-46GT1 has a 46-inch, edge LED display and includes both the universal TV/web search and Chrome browsing; it has quick access to Amazon (likely VOD) and YouTube said HD Guru who also observed that users can access the device via a Sony remote as well as an Android and iPhone remote control.
A separate prototype, Google TV box was also shown at the event, but it’s uncertain if this was a dedicated Sony device or the Logitech Revue as the device was devoid of any labels.
Sony will officially launch the TV on October 12.
Other functionality includes a TV search. Type in the name of the program and the time and channel appears on the screen. When “Football” was entered in the program search box the games schedule with day, time and channel come up on the screen.