Sony Moves To Bring PSN Network Online As Users Dump Their PS3


As Sony moves to bring their PlayStation Network back online today after being down for three weeks, PS3 users in Australia have moved to switch platforms according to local retailers and hock shops.The big beneficiary is Microsoft and their Xbox 360 Live network according to EB Games managers.

According to one EBG manager in Sydney PS3 users began looking for trade in deals on their Sony consoles “in earnest” 10 days ago. 

“We have definitely seen a move away from the Sony network in recent weeks. Users are looking to trade in PS3 games and consoles”.

A visit to e Bay Australia web site reveals more than 1,000 listings for Sony PS3 consoles.

According to a manager at a Happy Hocker shop in Sydney, the company has seen a 90 percent increase during the past two weeks from consumers looking to trade in a PS3 console for either cash or as a trade in for an Xbox 360.

Last night Sony moved to bring their PSN operation back online after being down since 17th of April.

According to Future Publishing consumers in the UK are trading in their PS3

A store manager from a major gaming retailer Edge told the publishing group “In the first week of downtime we did not really see any major change in sales or trades.

“However from the second week onwards we have seen an increase of over 200 per cent on PS3 consoles being traded in split almost 50/50 between those trading for cash and those taking a 360 instead.”

Edge also claims that sales of Call of Duty: Black Ops and FIFA 11 on Xbox 360 grew during the past three weeks while the PS3 versions fell.

Last night Sony began a limited and phased restoration of its PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment videogame services.

On the 24th of April Sony revealed that a hacker had compromised personal information for more than 100 million user accounts last month.


The Japanese electronics giant said that following the release of a mandatory software upgrade for all PlayStation 3 videogame console units, it would begin bringing its PlayStation Network back online in the Americas, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East today.

The network will be limited at first, the company said, restoring Internet-based game play, movie rentals, music services and online video streaming.

Sony said some customers will be able to regain access on Sunday. Full service should be restored by the end of the month, the company added.

“We know even the most loyal customers have been frustrated by this process and are anxious to use their Sony products and services again,” Kazuo Hirai, head of Sony’s game division, said in a statement. “We are taking aggressive action at all levels to address the concerns that were raised by this incident, and are making consumer data protection a full-time, company wide commitment.”

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