PSN falls, Lizards take the wrapSony’s PlayStation network (PSN) went down after online DDoS attack, yesterday, which the ‘Lizard Squad’ are claiming responsibility for.
The denial of service attack was confirmed in a Sony official blog posted yesterday.
“Like other major networks around the world, the PlayStation Network and Sony Entertainment Network have been impacted by an attempt to overwhelm our network with artificially high traffic.”
“No personal information has been accessed,” Sony reassured millions of gamers and apologised for “any inconvenience this may have caused.”
The service is still down, globally. Millions of gamers took to Twitter to convey their anger.
The ‘Lizard Squad’ have taken credit for the attacks and also targeted Microsoft Xbox and Blizzard’s gaming platforms. The Xbox platform has since been restored.
The Lizard Squad has been linked to the Jihad movement, ISIS, and has 32k Twitter followers.
But in another twist, Sony Online Entertainment boss John Smedley had his American Airlines flight diverted over a fake bomb threat from the Lizard folk, with the FBI telling it was ‘a matter of national security.’
Details of the incident are sketchy but its believed Smedley was on a flight from Dallas bound to San Francisco when tweets went out from Lizard Squad indicating the flight had explosives on board. The FBI are now investigating the incident.