Sony is working on a “hack proof” PS3 in an effort to save their game revenues.
Sony is working on a “hack proof” PS3 in an effort to save their game revenues.
Accordingt to EverythingHQ the new console will incorporate a 300GB hard drive and cost the equivalent of just over $350. The price would be the same as for the current, 160GB console costs, with the larger hard drive an incentive for buyers.
The development of t5he console follows the fight between hacker George Hotz, a hacker who made bypassing the console’s security parameters popular by posting instructions and a video on YouTube.
Hackersw claim that some of the attempts to hack the console were prompted by Sony itself, after the Japanese Company who has seen sales of their console fall up against the XBox 360, pulled support for Linux-based operating system in its 3.21 update early last year.