Spotify has introduced a new Live Events feed to its app to further its musical discovery goals.
Live Events will replace the Concert Hub, working more as a geo-targeted gig listing app. The company already has partnerships with leading ticketers like Ticketmaster, AXS, DICE and Eventbrite, and claims it has “most of the world’s concerts listed on-platform in our major markets.”
“We know how important live events are to creators and to the broader music industry, and how much live has suffered during the pandemic,” explains René Volker, Senior Director of Live Events. “With shows coming back, and listeners excited to see their favorite artists perform live again, we think this is the perfect time to explore new ways that Spotify can further support the industry.
“There’s a whole slew of folks who have been dedicated to research, designing, and developing these products over the last few quarters, and I’m really excited to finally unveil what we’ve been working on.”
Sam Sheridan, Product Manager for Live Events Discovery, said Spotify spent about two years studying the industry, its products, and its users.
“One of the key behaviors we see is that fans engage with artists on-platform, but then they leave to search for listings online or to even follow artists on social media for the sole purpose of staying on top of their events,” he explains.
“We think the Live Events Feed is an opportunity to help close this loop. This helps ease the burden on fans, reduces the competition artists need to contend with to stand out, and creates new efficiencies around marketing.”