Apple’s founding father was buried on Friday, according to reports. A small private family gathering was said to have taken place two days following his untimely death on Wednesday last.
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Jobs’ Jewish religion would have dictated burial after 24 hours of his passing.
Apple have said it will hold a spectacular celebration of its co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs “extraordinary life.”
Some new details have also emerged about Jobs biological father, Abdulfattah “John” Jandali, who was said to be in e-mail contact with his estranged son, whom he never met.
However, the messages initiated by his father, were brief – a simple “Happy Birthday” or “I hope your health is improving.”
Mr. Jandali said he recieved two replies, one that simply stated “Thank you.”
The Syrian native was said to have found out only a few years ago that Jobs was his biological son.
Jobs, who passed away on Wednesday last, aged 56, after losing his eight-year long battle with pancreatic cancer.
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