The rollout of fast broadband will see key changes in the lifestyles of Australians, according to a new report commissioned by NBN Co.The report, Towards a super connected Australia, developed by KPMG Demographics, has found fast broadband is set to result in key changes to the traditional work-rest-play lifestyle model, with the next generation of Aussies to rearrange the model to better suit their lifestyle needs.
Report author Bernard Salt noted Aussies have traditionally embraced technology developments, evidenced by the adoption of smart devices and social media over the last 10 years.
“Our research identifies a new generation likely to emerge in the 2020s – GenNBN – the first generation of young Australians raised to maturity in a supremely connected world powered by universal access to fast broadband,” Salt commented.
“Freed by technology from the dogma of living in the suburbs and working in the city, this new generation will increasingly reorganise when and where work is delivered. Work in the future may be completed in blocks of time spread throughout the day or the week and delivered from the home, a cafe or even from the beach.”
Salt added that the next generation will be better connected with the global community, which in turn will open up new business, trade and cultural opportunities, for instance resulting in the development of niche sporting and entertainment options
“This level of super connectedness will help deliver Australians the lifestyle they have always wanted: better connectivity to close the digital divide, enhanced personal relationships and to facilitate the pursuit of new leisure interests,” Salt stated.
The report found online activities are becoming a key part of the day-to-day lifestyles of Australians, with 50 per cent of Australians aged 18-and-over undertaking five or more daily online activities, while smartphone users aged 18-and-over number 12 million.
GenNBN is likely to use new technology along with fast broadband to redefine lifestyle options around global connectivity, with this to include the way Aussies work, organise the home and organise leisure.
The global marketplace will become increasingly accessible, with GenNBN having the opportunity to develop businesses that connect globally, connecting globally sourced products with local markets or connecting local products with international buyers.
GenNBN will most likely complete work in bursts of activity over a 24-hour timeframe rather than in the traditional nine-to-five “work day”, while by 2030 large Australian cities will be configured differently, with some workers in touch-down office spaces and others telecommuting, employing tools such as HD-video conferencing and collaborative cloud computing services.
In turn, the rollout of high-speed broadband could allow Aussies to move further out of big cities, with the home of the future to become a communications hub, a centre for work, rest and leisure.